SOLUTION BRIEF Automate Problem Diagnosis with Intent Solution Overview NetBrain Next-Gen is the only no-code network And it lets users confidently make network configuration automation platform that manages any hybrid network changes by redefining the intended behaviors of the by capturing, replicating, and enforcing network design network, not forcing them to adjust the individual devices intents to eases problem diagnosis and maintain ideal themselves. By understanding the intentions of application network conditions. When connected to an ITSM system architects and business leadership, NetBrain Next-Gen like ServiceNow, Ivanti, Jira, and others, it allows dramatically simplifies the management of any network. enterprises to address of up to 95% of their network service And since managing business intentions is much more tickets, commonly reducing their ticket service times by at easily understood by business leadership (versus the least half. When used proactively, it even prevents up to litany of diverse device detail already in place), NetBrain 50% of abnormal network conditions that would otherwise Next-Gen allows you to easily apply intent-based lead to the creation of even more service tickets. automation across the entire network, without the need NetBrain Next-Gen is based on a fundamental for operators to understand the minutia of every device. understanding of the intent of any network. Whereas all other network operations solutions treat hybrid networks Automating Incident Workflows as the compilation of thousands of connected devices With so many processes updating service tickets, most that must be individually managed, NetBrain Next-Gen become just noise to operators. Automation can help tune looks at hybrid networks as the realization of thousands out the noise by auto opening and closing status tickets. In of network design intents. addition, when a trouble ticket is created from an external As such, NetBrain Next-Gen automates IT service system, it triggers NetBrain Next-Gen to automatically map delivery by assuring that network intentions are defined the network area, verify symptoms, perform impact analysis, and preserved. and check known problems against existing intents. NetBrain automates incident workflows Your Workflow Enhanced with NetBrain Via self-service automation bot User Reports Issue Ticket Tier 1 Tier 2 Remediate Close Created Diagnosis Diagnosis Ticket Monitoring System Automation Troubleshoot No-Code Make changes in Auto-Close/Open triggered with Collaboration accordance with Tickets to run automation (Bot and Portal) network intents Generates map Single pane of glass for 3rd- Verifies symptom party data Determines network impact Checks for known problems