PAGE 9 NetBrain: Automating Problem Diagnosis Problem diagnosis begins the moment a ticket is created NetBrain PDAs begins working the moment an external event occurs Any service ticket can trigger NetBrain PDAs to begin mapping and diagnosing the network vicinity involved NetBrain then programmatically executes any set of best practice tasks, records the results and then sends the detail back to the ITSM provider By adding this critical diagnostic detail to every service ticket, operators and engineers become more productive when they start working, reducing the upfront time spent on repetitive diagnostics and investigatory tasks Transforming knowledge into automation NetBrain PDAs enables the knowledge and experience of subject matter experts to be converted to executable automation without the need for software engineers or code development projects By reusing previously created automation, operators and engineers can gather, analyze and resolve problems that before would have required the attention of other subject matter experts or specialized operational staff Now, everyone can get online at the same time, interact and make updates and remediations to reduce or eliminate hand-offs and escalations to DevOps, SecOps, NetOps, CloudOps, automation teams Automation to enforce the intents of your network design Intent-based automation (IBA) ensures your network continues to provide the required levels of service your applications require Network intents can enforce network design constraints, quality of service, bandwidth expectations, security policies, and application path preferences These rules (or intents) can range from the purely technical (e g , assuring packet size) to domain specific (e g , access policy) to business-driven (e g , throughput levels for a customer-facing network application) IBA allows network operations teams to increase the autonomy of their networks and reduce service ticket volume

Problem Diagnosis Automation eBook - Page 9 Problem Diagnosis Automation eBook Page 8 Page 10