EMA White Paper | Operational Efficiency at Scale with Intent-Based, No-Code Network Automation Ž etwork teams waste too much time investigating alerts that are not actionable. s a † analyst with a private communications technology company told Š, “‘e don’t know which —alerts˜ to check out, so we have to check all of them to verify that they are false alarms.” IT leaders will be tempted to mitigate these problems by trying to hire more network engineers with advanced skillsets. The labor market will disappoint them. †nly „‚.“‰ of IT organi ations say it’s very easy to hire and retain people with network expertise, according to Š research. In particular, Žˆ‰ of organi ations say it is nearly impossible to find people with network security skills and Ž“‰ are strug- gling mightily to find people with network automation skills. lso, ‚™‰ say it is extremely hard to find ‡ experienced network troubleshooters. †rgani ations that succeed in hiring engineers with these skills will struggle to retain them, given the dynamics of today’s labor market. Šven if an IT organi ation can hire and retain skilled network engineers, fundamental problems will remain. €or instance, top-tier engineers will have a limited impact if network operations remain too manual. etwork teams need automation to reduce errors, drive efficiency, and proactively prevent trouble--all at scale. Network Automation is the Solution, but Widescale Usage Eludes Most NetOps Teams o-code network automation is an obvious solution for the problems that et†ps teams struggle with today. In fact, more than ˆ…‰ of network teams believe an enterprise network automation solu- tion can mitigate staffing issues.“ “The more you automate, the less human intervention is needed,” a network engineer with a €ortune “ƒƒ financial services company recently told Š. “›ou might have a gold standard that engineers created. It removes any typos and mistakes. †n the flipside, I’ve seen automation freeing up those engineers so they don’t have to track down an issue.” Ž Š, “etwork †bservabilityž Ÿelivering ctionable Insights to etwork †perations,” †ctober ‚ƒ‚‚. ‡ Š, “etwork anagement egatrends ‚ƒ‚‚,” pril ‚ƒ‚‚. “ I bid. . 2