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ADDRESS YOUR TOP 8 NETWORK CHALLENGES WITH DAY-2 AUTOMATION 3. Diagnosing Slow Applications When users are reporting that their applications are responding Challenges slowly, everyone automatically points to the network as the source It’s easy to spot network conditions which are binary, traffic of the problem. But, since there are so many pieces involved in is flowing or it’s not, but most companies have significant According to application delivery, the IT organization struggles to identify the difficulty investigating ‘slow’ issues and, as a result, waste Enterprise actual part of the network that may be amiss. In many cases, the too much time testing everything they can in hopes of performance issue resolves itself long before you can identify and pinpointing the actual cause. This is because of a lack of Management execute corrective action. contextual visibility and adherence to network designs. As Associates, "Only What network operation teams need is real-time way to diagnose networks grow, it becomes more difficult to determine root 30% are the network in the context of the applications it serves. That causes of network-related application performance issues. fully satisfied application performance context forms the basis for managing by with their network intent. Network intents allow application designers to set Prevent Reports of Slow Applications troubleshooting specific network requirements that must exist for each application to NetBrain’s network intents technology coupled with its ability tool's support perform as designed. When these conditions vary from the design to execute traffic based real-time path tracing allows you to of problem requirements, application performance is reported as ‘slow’. By locate and visualize the network problem area including the isolation, and capturing the network intents associated with every application and actual routes that application traffic flows. And, its intent- only 28% are then automating network diagnosis for these intents, you can quickly based automation performs the extensive set of diagnostics fully satisfied identify and correct problems. to determine the root cause of application performance with root cause issues. Using its Path Intent capability, NetBrain allows you to document healthy network path baselines for comparison at analysis support." any point in the future. Any deviations from the known good baselines will be overlayed onto the healthy application path intents for easy problem identification. NetBrain’s Problem Diagnosis Automation system provides: • Detailed understanding of traffic paths, forward and backward Source: EMA Network • Baseline the route performance including the effects of Management traffic shaping and filtering Megatrends 2022: • The ability to monitor changes between current network Navigating Multi-Cloud, IoT, and NetDevOps conditions and baseline intents During a Labor Shortage

Address Your Top 8 Network Challenges with Day -2 Automation Brief6-13-22 - Page 5 Address Your Top 8 Network Challenges with Day -2 Automation Brief6-13-22 Page 4 Page 6