ADDRESS YOUR TOP 8 NETWORK CHALLENGES WITH DAY-2 AUTOMATION 2. Monitoring Critical Link Failovers Modern networks are designed to eliminate any single point of failure. Critical links are no exception and great effort is put forward to assure that there is redundant connectivity between key sites and services. The problem is that redundancy and failover processes are rarely tested ‘live in production’ to assure that they will function as needed in stress conditions. Many times, Few operational catastrophic failure is the first time that the network operations teams realizes that the failover links have been mis-configured or best practices no longer functional for some other reason. It’s because few operational best practices include on-going verification of standby components. It is assumed that resiliency capabilities will function as intended. include on-going Challenges verification In the real world, a simple link failure can quickly result in a catastrophic outage – due of standby to the drift in network design that has damaged the expected failover protection. components. If the backup link isn’t properly configured, it can prevent communication altogether or perform far outside the needs of the critical link design. The backup link is your last line of defense from a blackout so it must be functional, even when not in use. Resiliency, Failover Verification NetBrain prevents this configuration drift from sabotaging your business continuity plan by: • Capturing network intent embedded inside current failover design • Monitoring the design intents continuously • Warning when detecting configuration drifts

Address Your Top 8 Network Challenges with Day -2 Automation Brief6-13-22 - Page 4 Address Your Top 8 Network Challenges with Day -2 Automation Brief6-13-22 Page 3 Page 5