Top 10 Network Automation Use Cases

White Paper


White Paper

TOP 10 Use Cases Network Problem Diagnostic Automation System (PDAS) How does NetBrain’s “PDAS” network automation help with the hundreds of NetOps tasks you face every day? Here are 10 operational challenges NetBrain tackles! Replace out-of-date, 1 manual network diagrams with Dynamic Maps Your network is getting increasingly complex (physical, virtual, SDN, cloud, with hundreds of model types from dozens of vendors) and constantly changing, but traditional network diagrams (usually drawn with VISIO or some other CAD tool) stay static, rarely incorporate changes that are made. It’s simply impossible for humans to maintain up-to-date enterprise network diagrams. But NetBrain’s Dynamic Maps are different, as they are automatically generated from live hybrid network data. With only a click or two, you can visualize virtually any network information — topology, configuration, design, even data from your other NMS — in real-time. Just like Google Maps changed forever the way we think about street maps, NetBrain’s Dynamic Maps have redefined the meaning of network diagrams- the most essential basis of implementing an effective network operations strategy for today’s hybrid networks.

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