EMA White Paper | Operational Efficiency at Scale with Intent-Based, No-Code Network Automation n intent-aware network automation tool maintains an understanding of application needs and retains that business logic perspective even as it translates the logic to device-level configurations. £uch a tool allows IT organi ations to think about their networks from a service-centric perspective over the long haul ‹Ÿay-‚ operationsŒ. They can define how they want their networks to function, then manage the network in keeping with those intents over time and as change occurs. They can also dig deeper to define what each application needs from the network and impose wide-reaching policies that automat- ically enforce those reuirements, ensuring that network intent always matches the actual state of the network.„ƒ Š research found that ……‰ of IT organi ations believe that a network automation solution that can understand both network intent and network state simultaneously will be valuable to network operations. lso, …„‰ believe that an intent-aware network automation solution can be helpful with network monitoring and alerting, and …“‰ believe it can be helpful with network troubleshooting and remediation. The Value of No-Code Network Automation o-code solutions are designed to capture and translate network reuirements and engineer trouble- shooting steps into reusable logic that can be executed anywhere, anytime. §ather than configuring individual devices, an engineer enters intent logic into the tool. €or example, he or she can explic- itly define the amount of bandwidth that individual applications reuire from the network and what kinds of latency thresholds those applications can tolerate. The engineer can set security policies about which devices can allow certain traffic and which cannot. £uch a tool can then verify compli- ance with these intents at scale across the entire network in real time. no-code solution can also capture knowledge from sub¦ect matter experts as they use it to trou- bleshoot other issues. no-code solution documents the network engineer’s process in response to a given event. The tool can also maintain a library of these automated processes so that users of any skill level can leverage their peers’ expertise as needed and share their expertise with others. y capturing engineering expertise as automated workflows and making them available to anyone in IT, an organi ation can reduce ticket volumes and escalations for high-level engineers. The no-code approach can save that process as an automated workflow that anyone can reuse, auto- matically triggered if a similar event occurs in the future. o-code can also proactively execute continuously to look for conditions that deviate from design goals. „ƒ Š, “The €uture of Ÿata enter etwork utomation,” €ebruary ‚ƒ‚‚. . 6