EMA White Paper | Operational Efficiency at Scale with Intent-Based, No-Code Network Automation etrain offers a true end-to-end and real-time solution with support for multi-vendor and multi-cloud hybrid networks. ulti-cloud networking support is especially important. Šighty-four percent of network „„ teams say their organi ations will have a multi-cloud architecture by ‚ƒ‚‡. lso, Š research found „‚ that ˆ…‰ of network teams reuire their network automation tools to be extensible to the public cloud. etrain’s no-code network automation solution can apply to any network management scenario, including the most common essential network operations use casesž „. It enables no-risk change management in which it baselines and verifies network and applica- tion intent before committing a change. y running these checks, etrain removes the risk of unintended problems or accidental configuration overwrites when making a network change. ‚. utomated, event-triggered root-cause analysis gives network engineers automated insights into why a network problem occurred. These insights, which can be inserted into a ticket via IT£ integration, can accelerate mean time to repair. Ž. etrain enables problem prevention by proactively comparing real-time network status to the previously defined network intents, detecting anomalies and enabling problem remediation before a network outage or degradation occurs. ‡. etrain’s ability to understand application intents on the network enables application per- formance protection. The solution can proactively compare application performance intents against network state. It can verify, for instance, whether an application is taking the right path across the network and identify the performance of that path. “. etrain’s ability to codify and enforce security intents enables security compliance. ¡sers can set the solution to continuously enforce security policies and compliance mandates. €or instance, if a security architect wants to prevent certain ports from being open to traffic, the solution will continuously verify that the port policy is maintained. If the idea of a no-code, intent-aware network automation solution appeals to you, Š recom- mends that you evaluate etrain’s network automation platform. „„ Š, “etwork anagement egatrends ‚ƒ‚‚,” pril ‚ƒ‚‚. „‚ Š, “The €uture of Ÿata enter etwork utomation,” €ebruary ‚ƒ‚‚. . 8
Operational Efficiency at Scale with Intent, No-Code Network Automation Page 9 Page 11