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NetBrain Managing Application Delivery By Network Intent Solution Brief_9-8-22

SOLUTION BRIEF Managing Application Delivery by Network Intent Most large enterprise networks grow increasingly more complex over many years of change, so ® the end-to-end performance of applications residing upon the underlying connectivity may degrade, suffer, or become unmanageable. In Splunk’s, The State of Observability 2022 survey of hundreds of enterprise IT professionals, respondents reported that 53% of their customer 1 satisfaction issues were due to application performance issues. And not surprisingly, the most impacted services reported include QoS-dependent applications such as video-streaming and collaboration or those dependent on modern, complex network architectures like MACH (microservices, API-first, cloud-native, headless). When user experience suffers, so does the business. In This instills a myopic view of the network focusing only on enterprises where poor documentation and brute-force hardware infrastructure using quantitative metrics to support have been operational staples for years, today’s maintain network components. businesses require a different approach. The directive for NetOps teams is clear: operate more efficiently, improve Yet quantitative network device health alone is not enough the balance between reactive and proactive efforts and to determine if the business services that reside upon the focus on preserving and enforcing desired behaviors of network are performing as the solutions and enterprise the network, not just the health of their hardware architects intended. This requires qualitative understanding components alone. Successful NetOps teams must have a of the hybrid network; with an end-to-end view of the clear understanding of the network requirements for every capabilities, it offers and its ability to support all the design application and a means to ensure those applications are requirements each business application required at delivered over the network at a high quality. deployment. Only network management using Intent can deliver true application assurance. Most network monitoring tools use network device health as a proxy for service delivery performance. This lack of Application Performance Begins with application and business intent understanding leads to an Network Intent inherent disconnect with the business needs. While scale and scope of network infrastructures have dramatically Most network operations solutions treat the network in a increased over time, these tools have continued to focus very binary fashion: links, paths, and devices are whether on aggregating device health. up or down. 1 Source:

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