Showcase: Managing Your Network by Intentions to the network may create a vulnerability or enable network traffic to traverse beyond defined, secured boundaries. • Defendable Change Management: the ability to rapidly identify the status of the network and its ability to support each of the organization’s defined services before and after changes are made. This prevents unintended consequences of change from manifesting into production. • The Ability to Leverage Expertise: a no-code approach to enable subject matter experts to capture their experience and make it accessible to their peers globally. Once created, this same knowledge can be automatically applied by the machine. The NetBrain Automation Solution To help organizations regain control of and enable network operations teams to proactively manage their highly distributed and cloud-connected network environments, NetBrain created the Problem Diagnosis Automation System (PDAS). The solution enables organizations to easily codify thousands of business-centric network requirements for all applications and IT services and then compare the hybrid network in real-time against those stated behaviors. By doing so, PDAS can detect and correct issues before they manifest into production issues. Once issues are detected, PDAS enables remedial best practices that have been previously captured using no-code principles to also be automated. By doing so, PDAS eliminates inconsistent problem solving, reduces escalations, and resolves problems faster and at a lower cost. NetBrain PDAS provides: • Outage Prevention: Network operations teams leverage PDAS to spot problems before they manifest into production-affecting outages by proactively identifying and fixing them. In essence, the real-time network is continuously compared to the long list of encoded intentions with differences indicating a potential problem in the making. Doing so eliminates more than half of all reported outages and service degradations, saving time and money. • Accelerated Diagnostics: By automatically determining the root cause of any detected issue, problems are pinpointed the moment they occur, and operations teams can spend their time fixing problems rather than trying to find them. To further reduce remediation time (MTTR), NetBrain shares all the automated best practices required to fix the most common issues quickly and consistently across the organization. • Hybrid Cloud Visibility: Given the dynamic nature of hybrid cloud-connected infrastructures, it’s imperative for network operations solutions to continuously observe the network and accurately verify and update the topology model across all vendors and technologies, including the public clouds, software-defined data center, wide- area, security components, and all other traditional components of the network. • Security Enforcement: The larger attack surfaces common in today’s enterprises mandates that organizations ensure secure controls are in place and operating the way they were designed to operate. This enables organizations to mitigate risk while ensuring compliance. By encoding security requirements into automated intents, PDAS offers the ability to continuously verify that intended security policies are in effect. • Application Assurance: Every application and IT service expects the network to support its specific needs. Within the PDAS platform, these needs are encoded into network intents, creating an expansive list of behaviors that must exist for the business to operate properly. PDAS continuously assures that the needs of all services are being met. • Protected Change Management: Most importantly, NetBrain provides structured change management that establishes the condition of the network before any change is made, automates the change, and then verifies that the long list of network intents is still intact after the change has been made. As a result, network operations teams can eliminate any unintended consequences and, if problems do arise, quickly roll back to a last-known good state. 4