EMA White Paper | Operational Efficiency at Scale with Intent-Based, No-Code Network Automation ost importantly, these automated workflows can be replicated at scale across an entire network to lever- age the knowledge of the whole network engineering team. In other words, a no-code network automation solution does more than manage configurations and automate network design. It can automate network troubleshooting to reduce mean time to repair, main- taining the conditions that the business and its applications need. This is a critical reuirement today, with ˆ™‰ of network teams telling Š that they need a network automation solution that can auto- mate network troubleshooting and remediation. “‘hen something breaks, we want a seamless fix with automation. It should trigger an alert that triggers an automation script that checks issues, fixes the problem, and closes the ticket. I don’t see many tools that can do that,” said a network tools engineer with a €ortune “ƒƒ high-technology manufacturer. NetBrain’s No-Code Solution etrain Technologies offers a no-code network automation solution that addresses all the reuire- ments mentioned. It allows sub¦ect matter experts to articulate each of their individual lists of desired network intents, then compares those intents with the real-time network state at scale. ¡sing a dig- ital twin data model to capture the device, topology, traffic flow, and business intents of the entire network in real time, the platform ensures service delivery goals are met through more efficient oper- ations and compliance enforcement. etrain features a no-code console where sub¦ect matter experts can capture their proven network operations processes. The solution can orchestrate these processes for end-to-end troubleshooting and remediation with collaborative workflows across operations teams. It reengineers traditional remedial workflows and integrates with service management solutions, including IT£ and ¨ applications. £toring the automation centrally in a database, etrain can templati e and clone intents for any similar needs and devices across the entire network using replication. ¡sers can set automation to run continuously under certain conditions, then generate alerts and notifications and open tickets for anomalous events, security, and compliance issues to reduce incident volume and prevent business disruption. . 7